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Devotions for the Lent Series
Thursday, March 6th
I have shared with you my need for order and having things in their place. This is a helpful trait in many areas of life. But the opposite of this need is that I get upset when things get misplaced or if a chain of events do not go as they should. These past two week have been full of things being our of place and not going as planned, causing much irritation and frustration in my soul. A few things happened this week that pushed me right over the edge.
Do any of you have a Kohl’s charge card? If you do, you know that this week we all received a new card with a new way to pay. I tried to figure it out on line, but could not, so I had to call for help. I was over the top frustrated and not nice to the person trying to help me. Blair even too my phone from me to finish the process.
Have any of you ever been that frustrated?
I am sure you have.
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and I attended several services. While driving to them God spoke directly into my heart about changing my focus away from what is going wrong or how people have let me down and allow God to show me beauty and forgiveness and a new way forward. I was grateful I had these worship services to attend where I could open my heart and allow God to clean out that junk that had built up.
This is what we are doing this year in the season of Lent. Turning our focus away from the “ugly” toward God’s “beauty”. I know this might be hard, and I now it is a process!
What is the ugly that is building up for you right now? We all have it.
Can you give it to God and intentionally turn to God’s beauty that is surrounding you?
It will change everything!!
Thanks be to God.
peace and joyPastor Wendy -
Tuesday, March 4th
Today is Ash Wednesday, the official beginning of our Lenten Season.
This might be very meaningful to you, and lead you to think of some very traditional practices, like fasting or "giving something up" for the next 40 days.
What I would like to ask you to reflect on today is the beauty of God's presence in your life and in the world around you.
Being in the heart of winter, seeing very little color and experiencing only chill in the air, it might be difficult to see beauty! But God's beauty is all around us and is in each one of us. So let's be mindful of looking for it and giving thanks for it today.
God bless you!!
peace and joyPastor Wendy